
Scandi Logistics danmark A/S is a transport company whose main business is road transport between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe.

The beginnings of Scandi Logistics

The company was founded in 1983, but changed its corporate form and name in 2002, to be able to make changes within the business and guide it into the future.

More about Scandi Logistics

We are a Family company that is 100% owned by a single shareholder.

Scandi Logistic Danmark A/S is built on the idea that we need to have the greatest possible influence on added value, to provide the best service to our customers. This means that we are operating with our own trucks and our partners are closely related to the company.

Scandi Logistic Danmark A/S places great importance on staff training and we constantly follow developments within the transport sector to be able to give our clients the best service and our employees the best working conditions.

It is part of the strategy to have offices located in Kolding (DK) – Schleswig (DE) Murcia (ES) and Poland.